Books, Activities and Games Store

Bagful of Joy :)

Play and Rent!

“Give a kid a toy and he will build his world in it.”

Parents will vouch by these lines. Sometimes, these totes get engulfed in a toy so much that they don’t care even if there’s a storm outside. And sometimes, when they are having one of those days, no toy can hold their attention for longer than two minutes flat.

Of course parents love to see their children smiling. And keeping the little ones busy with their toys also gets their dear mothers a time to breathe, right?

But you can’t afford to buy every toy that your kids love. And even if you can, you would not want to turn your house into a toy factory.

So, once upon a time in Jaipur, Books, Activities and Games Library and Store (B.A.G.S.) came up with a unique idea. What if every child can play with a toy for as long as he wants and then get it replaced for another one they like? Nice! And, all this without buying anything? Better, you’d say!!

B.A.G.S. has over 1000 kinds of games/toys/puzzles that your kids will love to play with. All our toys are safe and hygienic as they are sterilized after each use. So, now your kids can have as many toys as they want, without cluttering your space or burning a hole in your pocket.

Isn’t it a bag full of joy for you and your lovely juniors?

Find us at Books, Activities and Games Library and Store (B.A.G.S.):

Hawa Sadak- Basement, Jajoo Towers, A-7/9, Hawa Sadak, Jaipur.

Raja Park- 402, Gali No. 3, RajaPark, Jaipur.

Call- +91-0141-2219096 or +91-0141-2620611.

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Toys on rent- A Bag Full of Joy

All children love to play. They help them discover emotional, relational, intellectual and spiritual senses and grow strong, mentally and physically both. Toys can be great stimulators and help in enhancing your child’s all round development – motor skills, cognitive skills etc. To give you a quick example- remember how your kid dragged that pillow all over the house? May be if you introduced toys like a train with a string/ a dog with a leash/a wooden horse/a cart etc, it will have the intended effect on your child’s mind. What you did only just furthered your child’s creativity.

But little lovely munchkins also tend to outgrow their toys very easily and quickly. How many times have you ended up buying the most expensive toy in a store for your tiny tots only to find them more interested in a broken pencil, a steel spoon, a stray piece of paper? – Many times, right?

We know you love your kid and want to give the world and nothing less. But maybe you should re-consider your strategy of buying the entire store at a go! Like clothes, children outgrow toys too. And when you introduce too many toys at a time, it might just result in the opposite- instead of engaging them; your child might just get plain bored, or as it happens often, stick to one toy leaving behind a mound of toys you affectionately bought for him last evening! So, there is no point in dumping toys of all shapes and sizes and giving them little room to discover each toy at a time.

So, it might be a good idea to introduce one/few toys at a time, depending on the stage your child is in. Ensure the toys you are introducing are non-toxiccolourful , age appropriate and stimulating.  Choose what is best for them. May be we can help you with a toy library?

Toy libraries have existed since at least 1935, with the establishment of one in Los Angeles. But in Jaipur, Books, Activities and Games Library and Store (BAGS) is the first one to make a mark for families. BAGS offer play sessions for families and a wide range of toys appropriate for children at different stages in their development. We provide children with new toys, saving parents money and keeping children from getting bored.

So, come and discover a bag full of joy for your entire family at Books, Activities and Games and Library Store (BAGS).

Come over to us at:

Hawa Sadak- Basement, Jajoo Towers, A-7/9, Hawa Sadak, Jaipur.

Raja Park- 402, Gali No. 3, RajaPark, Jaipur.

Call- +91-0141-2219096 or +91-0141-2620611.

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Redefine Your learning experience!


To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries.”

-A C Grayling, Financial Times

Reading. Activity. Fun.  Can you imagine how integrating these three domains could stimulate the human mind and body?
With the motive of enhancing and making your child’s reading and learning routine more enjoyable and productive, we proudly introduce you to B.A.G.S, a one-of-its-kind reading cum activity centre, to galvanise the education and fun quotients and redefine the learning experience!

B.A.G.S aims to create a model where “knowing” and “doing” are integrated.
One must have experienced many a times how engaging in a practical activity helps one grasp much more effectively than the traditional reading methods.
This ideology will trigger and improve sharing of knowledge, sharing of thoughts, discussing ideas and participation in skill-enhancing activities.

Our focus is also to inculcate and reinforce the quintessential habit of reading into the young minds, which is of supreme importance in today’s world where there are innumerable sources of distraction.

Our emphasis also lies on the art of communication and group activity. Healthy interaction with peers and sharing of thoughts lays a strong foundation to a better social life and also makes one receptive to the ideas and opinions of others, ultimately enhancing your intellectual, emotional and social capital.

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